Build a good name 🪙

The best investment you´ll ever make

How often do we get dragged into this week´s ¨most efficient method of investment?”.

A promise for financial freedom and endless passive income while we sip margaritas next to a borderless pool in the coast of mexico, enjoying the lifestyle dream we’ve architectured for ourselves.

But, let’s be honest. Is it really what we want.

Most importantly. Is it really achievable? Are we going to be able to “get rich quick”?

Whether it’s crypto, forex, commodities, stocks and so on and so forth, there’s always going to be something newer, fresher and supposedly “better” to invest in.

But it wasn’t that long ago that, after a thoughtful conversation with my dad, we agreed the best investment you’ll ever make is on yourself.

May sound stupid but bear with me for a second.

When it comes to your name, you must think of it as a currency. At the end of the day, any fiat currency is just a bunch of people trusting the goverment, and nowadays, it’s doesn’t sound that smart does it?

Also, it’s the only one that’ll regardless if you win or losee money, you’re still winning something…knowledge and reputation.

Everything you do for you is a “token for the person you want to become”. It was James Clear who said that by the way, I won’t take credit for that.  

“Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises. Don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good work . . . and if you can build a good name, eventually that name will be its own currency.”

William Burroughs

Our name is the best and most efficient way to tell the world exactly who we are, and what better way to promote ourselves than keeping an impeccable reputation with it.

It’s not about self promotion, but rather self-invention.

The beauty about this world and more so with the introduction of the internet, is that we can create the person we want to be, and what better way than to use our name for it.

It’s the best currency available to us and we should make the most out of it.

Instead of putting money on the stock market, why not learn about financial markets first and then leverage on that knowledge later?

Instead on betting money on sport events, why not expand our financial literacy?

One of the biggest paradoxes that I find nowadays is the fact that people are more than willing to put money into something with a “promise” it’ll make them money, yet hesitate to invest a 1/100 of that amount to buy a book about the same thing, and probably, with far more positive outcomes.

So I ask myself…

Why do we actively avoid any sort of learning process that requires more than 30 minutes a day, yet complain when things don’t go our way.

My guess?

We’ve fallen pray to comfort, and comfort it’s not a skill you want to show off in your cv, right?

So take this as a call to action.

Perhaps there’s a book you’ve been putting off for a while, or a course you invented 10 different excuses not to attend.

Do it.

You’ll name will thank you for it, and later, so will you.