Building an entrepreneurial brain🧠

Embrace discomfort

If there’s a group of people we should all learn something from is definitely entrepreneurs.

This are the kind of people who seek discomfort when everyone else runs away from it.

They seek to create a path where there isn’t one yet.

They defy every single principle we have as humans, and yet they thrive.

So who are they and how are they capable of doing that?

After having a long conversation with my dad about entrepreneurs and their experiences, I realized there’s something extremely valuable about this people that we should all learn from.

See, entrepreneurs are the heroes of our time.

They challenge themselves to build something out of nothing while knowing all of the challenges this will bring.

They’re capable ot risking everything just because they have a dream.

This are the kind of people we normally call crazy, and in some way, they are.

Who would trade peace and tranquility with discomfort and uncertainty?

Who would risk the comfort of regular paychecks for occasional and hopefully decent payckecks?

The answer: entrepreneurs.


Well, this is the best answer I could come up with.

Entrepreneurs are deeply passionate people.

They have an infinite amount of love and dedication for their dreams and are willing to go through whatever life throws at them in order to fullfil that dream.

They don’t care about the discomfort because they believe all will go well, thus creating something they’re passionate about.

They love uncertainty because they know that it’s in this kind of situations that they’ll grow and learn.

Entrepreneurs are outstanding human beings because they teach us one of life’s most valuable lessons.

If things don’t go your way, you make them go your way.

Life is not about being lucky, but rather creating your own luck.

Life is for those willing to act upon, not for those who sit and wait for a chance that eventually never comes.

Entrepreneurs have no time between thought and action. They know actions dictate their outcome. They know overthinking is the killer of productivity.

Thus, we should all aspire to have an entreprenurial brains, who knows what we’ll be capable of doing…

đź“śQuotes to startthe week right:

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."

- Steve jobs

“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.”

- Jeff Bezos

“When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.”

- Josh James

đź“ťJournal prompts to write on:

  • If money and time wasn’t a problem, what would I want to try?

  • If looking for a job wasn’t an opportunity, what would I do to make money?

  • What is something I would work on if money wasn’t an incentive?