Decieving yourself😕

Act your way into it

“It's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking, than think your way into a new way of acting.”

Jerry Sternin

How often do we try to adopt a new habit, a new promise to become a new and better version of ourselves, and how often do we fail?

We may last a day or two, a week at most, but eventually we stall.

And it’s not necessarily our fault.

We’re not supposed to know by hand the functioning that happens within our brain so we might succeed.

As rational beings as we think ourselves to be, we´re still bound to uncontrollable variables such as our emotions, and as soon as they make an appearance, we go straight back to our lizard brain.

I was recently listening to a podcast from Chris Williamsons starring Tim Ferriss’s and they dropped this fantastic quote which you just read at the beggining.

We tend to romanticize most of the things us humans go through, and even others as well.

For example, we like to believe building a business is much like instagram allows you to see without considering you’re watching a 30 second clip of more than 10 years worth of progress, most of which was highly stressful and work demanding.

Same goes for romantic relationships. Hollywood has painted a picture to which we can’t stop ourselves from comparing us when meeting someone, and unfortunately, we’ll never live to that standard.

And it happens once again when we try to change something withing us.

We like to believe that the process will be beautiful and deeply motivating, but by this point we should be able to see the massive gap between theory and practice.

So, what’s the best way to do it.


Sometimes we unconsciously make fun of others doing so without realizing they’re on the right path.

How often do you find someone spending hundreds of dollars worth of equipment for a new sport they just practiced?

Or spending a ton of money on healthy food which they just discovered?

Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not telling you to lash out and spend all your income on sport equipment which you might not need, but there’s a point to be made.

By acting as something you’re not yet, but want to become, means you’re basically becoming it.

Now, if that sounds stupid, you’re not wrong. But our brain doesn’t work as rationally as you might think it does.

The only difference betwen a competitive athlete on specific activity and the amateur one is simply the amount of time they’be been doing it.

I’d think it’s fair to say that most amateurs are perfectly capable of performing a pro’s daily routine if they do it for a day.

Now, doing it for 10 years is a completely different thing, but I think the point’s been made.

When you act yourself into a new way of thiking, even if you know that you’re acting, your brain will eventually forget the “acting” and simply adopt it as the way you are.

It doesn’t take much to become a highly productive person, or whatever it is you want to become.

It’s just about acting yourself into it for as long as you can, you’ll brain will do the rest.

And yes, expensive equipment may be a little over the top, but it further helps you getting there.

Same thing happens when you watch a youtube video of how other people lift weights or how they manage their time in a productive way.

It’s not like you have the same amount of work, or money, or success as they do, but by using the same tools and techniques, you’re telling your brain “this is who I am”, and with time, you will.

You’ll only understand the true power of visualization once you start using it.

Don´t look away from such powerful technique.

It´s not lying to you and others, it´s simply about taking a better path onto becoming that thing.