Life´s too short to be small

Boredom is the enemy

In Wisdom Wednesday we take a look at information worth sharing with everyone as we dive into books, videos, podcasts and many other things that have drawn mi attention on the last week.


📖Book of the week:

It´s too big a world to spend most life in a cubicle

One of the biggest lessons we can learn as adults is that everything is subjective.

The “lens” through which we see the world is unique for everyone of us, which makes the world we live in, one of 8 billion different versions.

Regardless of how objective we believe things are, each one of us processes things their own way based on their experiences, philosophies, values, and more.

But in this world filled with millions of views, there´s a couple of things we all have in common, and one of them is how we view “work”.

The concept of working the 9-5 schedule was first introduced by American labor unions around the 1800´s and later went mainstream when business magnate Henry Ford started to apply it in his factories.

Likewise, the concept of retirement was first introduced in 1881 by german chancellor Otto Von Bismarck in a maneuver against Marxists who were burgeoing in power and popularity.

So, why is that work has gone through such a transformation reaching a point in which we can now work from home, yet the system remains the same?

How is it that we spend the biggest and most important period of our life where we are at our healthiest, dedicataing ourselves to a job that doesn´t fulfill us?

What is the pot of gold that justifies spending the best years of your life hoping for happiness in the last?

According to Tim Ferriss, the whole work philosophy in which we have placed all of our faith is flawed, and this is why:

  • a) It is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life

  • b) You can´t maintain the same standard of living due to inflation. Golden years become lower-middle-class.

  • c) If the math works out, it means you are one ambitious hard working machine. Thus, bordeom will kill you in the span of a week.

The weird thing?

We all know the system is broken, yet most of us are part of it.


Because most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.

But don´t worry, uncle Tim has the solution.

And who is this saviour, this messiah that brings the holy grial of the new work philosophy?

Well, Tim likes to introduce himself as a drug dealer for fun and profit but here´s a list of things he´s been able to achieve with this new way of living he calls the New Rich:

  • No-holds-barred cage fighter

  • First american in history to hold a Guiness World Record

  • Applied linguist in Japanese, German and Spanish

  • Glycemic Index researcher

  • National Chinese Kickboxing champion

  • MTV breakdancer in Taiwan

  • Athletic advisor to more than 30 world record holders

  • Actor on hit TV series in China and Hong Kong

  • TV host in Thailand and China

  • Political asylum researcher and activist

  • Shark diver

  • Motorcycle racer

Now you might understand why the book is called The 4 hour work week.

Tim introduces a new way of living.

A new understanding of what life is about and what values should we carry at all times.

This is not a book about how to become a millionaire.

This is a book on how to create the life that people think only millions can provide.

From earning les than 20K a year to earning over 70K a month and everything in between, Tim Ferriss shows everything he has learned so that you can live life the way you want it to, not even the way Time lived.

The ability to choose is the real power.

So if you wish to learn about this, I literally can´t recommend this book enough. I promise it will change the way you see the world…in a good way.

And remember, it´s about how you want to live, don´t let others bring you down on your dreams.

“Most people are fast to stop you before you get started but hesitate to get in the way if you're moving.” . Tim Ferris

📜Quotes of the week:

“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.”

-M. Scott Peck

“Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.”

-Brian Tracy

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” 

-Abraham Lincoln

🛠️Learn something new:

There´s power in action.

“There’s no difference between a pessimist who says, ‘Oh, it’s hopeless, so don’t bother doing anything,’ and an optimist who says, ‘Don’t bother doing anything, it’s going to turn out fine any way.’ Either way, nothing happens.”

— Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia

It´s so easy to surrender our ignorance to the mosaic of knowledge that the world presents to us, and dive deep into learning yet always fall short in creating.

The only way forward, is the way of “action”.

Nothing was ever solved by waiting.

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action

- Benjamin Disraeli

So don´t be a pessimist, nor an optimist, be someone who delivers.

Force yourself to do whatever it is you´ve been postponing on.

The first step is always the hardest, but remember:

Over 90% of a rocket´s energy is used at launch, the rest is the easy part.

🗣️Accounts you should follow:

ASMR Italian cuisine?

📺Videos worth watching:

Productivity made easy❓

🎙️Podcasts you need to listen:

The relationship guru 🧘🏻‍♂️