A light in the dark🔦

Finding your inner compass

I gotta be honest, it feels weird getting back to writing, though I have to admit I´ve missed it.

You may be wondering why I haven´t been sending my newsletter in a while and the reason is rather complicated and personal, but! If I were to describe it in a few words, it would go something like this.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” -

Friedrich Nitzsche

It’s insanely difficult to summarize all that has happened in all this time, but regarding my disappearance online, it could be easily described as a lack of purpose.

You see, I like to believe that your purpose is what some use to call “the carrot at the end of the stick”, but it’s far more than that.

I like to believe your purpose to be your deepest WHY.

I love this word because it perfectly describes what I’m trying to illsutrate.

When you want a deeper understanding about something, you don’t just conform with the easiest answer, but you go as deep as you can.


Obviously asking WHY.

Surrendering ourselves to our WHY’s is the first step towards finding your path.

Think of your WHY’s as your personal compass, helping you find your way in this roadmap full of infinite routes and never-ending destinations.

And so I did.

I asked myself WHY, not once, nor twice, but as many times as I could, in order to reach my deepest thoughts and pillars of my identity.

After doing so, I found my values, the pillars that hold my true sense of identity, of who I am.


And by no means is this an easy voyage. Constantly asking yourself WHY will peal away all of your so-called ideas and perceptions of yourself and will force you to dig deeper until pain and regret find its way to the surface and the only thing left is you true self.

Once you get there you’ll realize, life is far more simple than we like to believe, and big decisions can be made once you know who you really want to become.

So I´m proud to say that I´ve found my path, and doing so, I found my destination.

I´m here to help others. I’m here to shere all that I´ve learned. I’m here to serve as a beacon of knowledge and information in order to help others avoid pain and discomfort from a lack of expertise.

I truly believe that knowledge is humanities ultimate tool and we only stop living when we make the conscious choice to stop learning.

I´ll use one of Ian Fleming´s quotes to illustrate my point:

“You only live twice:

Once when you’re born.

And once when you look death in the face.”

Ian Fleming

When reading at this quote, I like to believe Ian didn’t meant strictly death as the end of our human existence, but also when you truly see where you’re life is headed and it’s not where you want.

“There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Nelson Mandela

So here I am, writing again, out of passion and enjoyment.

So expect more to come, and as always, learn a whole lote more.