Plan A thinking

Make success the only option

In Wisdom Wednesday we take a look at information worth sharing with everyone as we dive into books, videos, podcasts and many other things that have drawn mi attention on the last week.


đź“–Book of the week:

Forget about saturated how-to guides and the oversused “do this to become a millionaire” schemes, this book is a personal and vulnerable journey for Paul in which he shares the lessons he learned by aiming for something most of us would call a unconventional lifestyle.

From a being a small town Connecticut kid to one of the most prestigious consulting firms in the world, Paul narrates his journey and the hardships and sacrifices he faced by building a life on the default path, which ultimately, weren’t worth the time nor effort.

The Pathless Path is finding yourself and figuring out how to live.

Paul provides a set of ideas and principles which guided him a unfulfilled and burned out life to a good and worthy one.

It’s the perfect companion for those aiming for a different or unconventional way of living.

Definitely worth the read.

đź“śQuotes of the week:

“Never bet against the person that keeps showing up”


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable men persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man”

- George Bernard Shaw

“I can´t give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure.”

- Herbert Bayard Swope

🛠️Learn something new:

Plan A thinking

First of all, let’s start with a simple question:

How often do we plan?

Life, for most of us, has become a series of survival mechanisms in which reacting is our weapon of choice and last minute planning is the ol’ reliable when problems arise.

But life is earth’s greatest teacher and more often than not, it’ll throw curveballs to which you’ll have nothing left to do but figure things out.

So I guess it’s safe to say that planning is not part of our dictionary.

But, as far as planning goes, most of us use the same sure-fire formula that has been around forever, and it goes like this:

Plan A: Dream goal

Plan B: Not so great but I’ll live goal

Plan C: Sh!t goal but I’ll survivi, I think…

And if you trace back most of our life choices, they circle arround this methodology, but, there’s a different one.

Unfortunately this methodology is usually not ”available” for all of us, or at least, it’s too damn hard to learn.


Let me explain:

Plan A thinking, as a defined concept, made its appearance some years ago while doing some research on behavioral psychology.

The experiment?

Have two separate groups of people perform the same ”challenge”.

The catch?

Well, the first group was meant to complete a puzzle, to which, if they succeed they’ll recieve a snack. And, group 2, had the same puzzle, but at the end of the instructions, they were told that the snack they’ll recieve (if they succeed) could also be acquired outside on the vending machine.

The result?

The obvious one. Group 2 had a significant drop in motivation as well as productivity and overall performance.


Because they were aware there was another option.

The simple yet essential piece of information that revealed that the same prize could be later acquired without any issue made the participants drop any sort of motivation and ultimately underperform compared to the other group.

This is the perfect example of Plan A thinking.

In fact, if you read about success stories such as Case Neistat (link below) or James Donaldson (Mr. Beast), you’ll see that there’s plenty of people that had Plan A thinking form the start.

Situations such as poverty, lack of education, living in a truobled nation, may force people to take different paths, and most importantly, endure whatever necessary challenge because for them, it’s the only path.

Steven Barlett suggests we should all adopt Plan A thinking for any challenge we might face.

Knowing that failure is allowed because we always have a Plan B is a recipe for minimum effort and embracing the ”thanks for participating” philosophy of life.

So next time you’re planning on achieving something, think about it as your one and only, Plan A.

Only then you’ll give your 100%, and more…

🗣️Accounts you should follow:

Science based tips for imporving yourself🧠

đź“şVideos worth watching:

How to make reading your superpower🦸

🎙️Podcasts you need to listen:

Plan A thinking🤔