The power of a community

Success is a teamplayer game

United we stand

Recently I´ve been dedicating myself more and more to social media, specially X and there´s a couple of things that I´ve come to realize the more I share.

You can´t reach success all by yourself, working alone until you find an idea worth sharing with the world which will bring you millions.

A common misconception that unfortunately drives us away from the true path to success.

All of this reminds me of one of my favorite books of all time, Share Your Work by Austin Kleon.

Austin talks about the importance of sharing one´s work with the world with the purpose of building a community of people who like your work and are willing to help you succeed, or at least that´s what I got from the book.

In his book, he has a quote which not only did I enjoy, but pushed me to change the way I viewed success:

Creativity isn´t created in a vacuum, it´s a result of a mind connected to other minds

So in order to succeed we must work with others, and for other´s as well. We can only expect people to help us only when we´ve already helped them.

There always needs to be someone willing to take the first step, why not you?

Yet, the question remains: How can I build this community?

Well, Austin said it in the simplest way possible:

Show your work and people who love the same thing will find you

So let´s not be afraid to show others what we do.

If you wish to hear more about this subject, head over to spotify to listen to my podcast where I delve into my journy and teach you valuable skills for you to succeed as well.

If you´re looking to create a community out of something you love, why not set an appointment with me, I´ll help you monetize your passion to make a lifestyle out of it.

Contact me now and I´ll teach how how to build a job with the freedom you deserve.