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Shorten the time⏲️
The gap between intention and interpretation

How different things would be if we were capable of taking immediate action on any of the thousand of thoughts that sweep through our minds on a daily basis?
How far would we be if we were capable of doing the things we say we want to do, instead of creatively crafting the most ingenious excuses as to why we fail to do them.
Why is it that we find it so hard to get ourselves from intention to interpretation?
From thought to action?
From planning to executing?
Well, if you take a look at the way our brains our wired, it kinda makes sense.
We’re naturally crafted to perform things in their simplest and most efficient way possible as well as maximizing pleasure while we’re at it.
Thus, if we plan to do something (most likely something we don’t particularly enjoy), then without a propper incentive we’ll end up bailing as fast as possible.
But don’t worry, there’s always a solution, though it requires practice and a lot of repetition.
A recent study found that a specific area within our brains called the anterior mi-cingulate cortex increases in size after performing a task we don’t want to.
In english, willpower can be trained just like any other muscle.
But! keep in mind this area shrinks as well when we fail to do so.
So, what can we learn from this research?
There’s an area within our brain dedicated specifically to what we call “willpower”
Willpower can be trained, just as any other muscle on our bodies
The best way to enhance willpower is repetition, nothing more
So how to reduce the friction between thought and action?
Start small and simple, just like going to the gym, and then increase the weights.
Something as small as not wanting to get up walk 2 minutes or wash the dishes.
It may seem small and simple, but what you’re looking for is long term atomic results.
All healthy habits need to smart small. You just have to trust the proces!